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chapset said:
we don't even know if there will be a ps4, with Sony's dire financial situation (shake head)

This is why some of Sony Developers registered "PS4 domains" for their new Next Gen games...

The PS4 will dominate.
Sony is doing a lot for that right now.
The PS3 had following problems...

a) a complicated architecture.Except 1st/2nd Party and some Sony Fanboys among the 3rd Party no one of those unskilled Developers learned to use it really well.The 360 was easy to develop for cause it was pretty close to a PC architecture.
b) the price was too high for all the jobless people
c) It came 1 year late - Enough time for Microsoft to throw around money.Especially at Japanese Developers.
Especially here you could see after 2008 all of those favored Sony again but it did hurt them cause they didn't have their usually stuff from the beginning.
d) They had problems with the online service.PSN was inferior to XboxLive.Right now in 2013 no one can deny that PSN+ is far superior to XboxLive.
e) Microsoft did hit the taste of the USA pretty good.Somehow after 2008 it was enough to survive with CoD and Halo for the most time.
Sony did win 11/12 months - Only the month those games got released helped Microsoft to catch up the sales they lost in 11 months of the year.Kinda sad if you ask me.

But this will all change or stay the good way.
The PS4 is losing its complicated technology.As it looks now its even using nearly the same stuff the NextBox will but only stronger parts.Is securing the 3rd Party support cause it will be easy to develop for.A lot of 3rd Party switched in the last few years over to PS3 Leadplat anyway cause you can sell stuff better there if it isn't from a mainstream genre.And it was easier to port from there to the 360.
It won't cost that much - They will be pretty close together and as it looks they will release early/at the same time.
PSN+ should increase its quality and it will be hard to counter that.
The 1st/2nd Party is already working on PS4 games as we know - Some of them even with 2 teams on 2 games(sequel and new IP).They will have games ready before 2-3 years have passed and a PS4 Slim arrives ~.~
To take back the USA probably won't be possible cause CoD and Halo are confirmed for NextGen but they will come a lot closer this time.They will get stronger in Europe and Japan is theirs anyway.
Microsoft won't be able to convince the 3rd Party Devs all over the world to go exclusive for them like they were cause of all those factors.
They did that cause M$ did spend a lot - The PS3 was expensive and had a hard to learn architecture not everyone could afford to waste their time on.
Games like Tales of Vesperia showed already in the 360 version they planned the game for PS3 but couldn't afford it as they confirmed after the PS3 release of ToV.

All those factors will help Sony a lot.
And as it looks like they try to change their marketing efforts too or at least start some*g*.They made a lot of mistakes with the launch of the PS3 but as it looks like they continue with the rising form they have since 2010/11 where they reign as a single emperor only getting a hard time on the special month of the year ;)