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ils411 said:
curl-6 said:

From Batman Returns to The Dark Knight Rises, Catwoman went from a blonde with a head-covering mask an shiny leather to a brunette whose "mask" only covered her eyes and whose costume was no longer shiny black. Her appearance changed dramatically.

Starbuck who? Quite a dramatic character change, no?

And I'm sorry too, but prioritising a character's appearance in a VIDEO GAME over the actual gameplay is shallow in my book.

I suppose you weren't listening...or reading for that matter. Its not just the appearance but the actuall character itself. The original Dante is in no way or form remotely similar or connected to the new one.

Change the appearance, sure, lots of characters have undergone change, but when you change the core of the character...well thats what most DMC are angry about.

Catwoman went from a leather clad chick, to a black chick, to this new chick. Heck, in comics she now wears goggles, is no longer a true villain and so on and so forht. But the main core of the character is still there.

Superman went from leaping tall buildings to smashing planets in one punch. He went from super strength/speed etc to superman red and blue and then back again. Heck, DC rebooted with the "new 52" and changed everything as much as possible and yet retianed the essence of the character. The "core" of the character which is "Superman" is still there.

Wonder woman went from amazon princes to diana super spy agent and then back again to the daughter of Zues to who knows whats going on with her now adays and yet, at her core, she is still who she was, this strong willed woman who stands up for what is right etc etc etc

No ones claiming that they boycoted the game coz of the "looks alone" but because of the change to actual core and character of dante.

I fou still dont get that then there's no helping you. I'm sure you're one of those who always bring up things like "wut? dey mad coz of the hair color change? dey stupid!" and yet, its not just the color that the fanbase are angry about. I take it back though, you'r not shallow, you're one of those individuals who thinks that he's always right or what he thinks is what matters but in reallity, you're just comming off as plain stupid.

The changes to Dante are nowhere near as profound as the changes a character like Godzilla has been through. He hasn't one from selfless hero to cruel villain or anything. (Not saying you have to like the new guy)

And actually, I've seen pleny people write the game off with only the new look of Dante as the basis. if you're not one of them, more power to you.

If there's actual gameplay elements people find unpalatable, that's completely understandable. But if some personality and appearance changes to the main character are the only reason for not giving a video game a chance, then I just can't find that reasonable.