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thismeintiel said:
curl-6 said:
thismeintiel said:
curl-6 said:

That comment doesn't really address mine as I am clearly referring to the hair colour whiners, not everyone who disliked the game. I also never implied that nobody gave the game a chance.

You do realize that there is NO ONE who hated this game purely on his hair color?  When the first image was shown, yes, a lot of people hated it.  But that was more because he looked like a crackhead emo kid, not because he didn't have white hair.  Then, when the demo came out, fans moved on to more substanative complaints, like difficulty, controls, and combat.  The only ones who continually brought up the hair was the people defending the game, just so they could make the original fans, in their minds at least, look like shallow gamers.  Of course, this was far from the truth.  And they have voted with their wallets.

I see people all over the web still bitching about the character's new look, including his hair. Those are the ones I'm having a go at, because it's  such an insignificant thing to complain about.

So, you admit it has more to do with then just his hair?  That's good.  Also, the look of a character isn't exactly insignificant, especially when that character has garnered a rather large fanbase and has been around for 10+ years.  I highly doubt Nintendo fans would be a okay if Nintendo decded for the next Mario game they would make Mario obese (instead of just pudgy) and Luigi a midgit, as well as make their hair and mustache blonde.  It just wouldn't fly and would get plenty of criticism. 

Besides, if you actually questioned them, I'm sure most would tell you what they don't like gameplaywise, whether it be the combat or controls.  Which using the Mario comparison, again, would be like having to hold down the right shoulder button to run and hitting the A button to jump.  That wouldn't be looked too kindly upon.

I'm just saying what I've read. You're the first person I've heard give actual gameplay reasons for disliking it instead of just complaining about dante looking "emo". I haven't played any of the DMC games so I can't comment on quality.

As someone who loves Mario games, I couldn't care less if they made Mario blonde and obese and Luigi a midget.