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thismeintiel said:
curl-6 said:
thismeintiel said:
curl-6 said:
I can't comment on the quality of the game itself, but the kind of fanboys who are so deathly afraid of change that they throw a hissy fit over the colour of a character's hair.. seriously guys? Seriously?

Many great games came about by companies dropping comfortable old conventions, and many bad games were made as a result of companies trying too hard to please closed minded, conservative fans.

I'm just going to copy/paste a response I made in a similar thread, as it works perfect for your baseless comment.

I also find it ridiculous that all of the DmC supporters really have nothing to attack the DMC fans with except Dante's hair color.  It just shows you really have no argument against them, and therefore must make the original fans out to be shallow gamers.  As if NT could have still turned Dante into a scrawny emo (who's personality we hate), and made all those poor changes to the combat and controls, and we would have eaten it up as long as his hair was white.  Also, to imply that no one gave the game a chance?  It had a demo on Live and PSN, which is where ALL the complaints about gameplay/control and difficulty came from.  AFTER people played the demo.  DMC fans did give it a chance, didn't like it, so therefore voted with their wallets.  And there most likely won't be a DmC sequel becuse of it.  You just need to accept it and move on, without bashing those fans.

That comment doesn't really address mine as I am clearly referring to the hair colour whiners, not everyone who disliked the game. I also never implied that nobody gave the game a chance.

You do realize that there is NO ONE who hated this game purely on his hair color?  When the first image was shown, yes, a lot of people hated it.  But that was more because he looked like a crackhead emo kid, not because he didn't have white hair.  Then, when the demo came out, fans moved on to more substanative complaints, like difficulty, controls, and combat.  The only ones who continually brought up the hair was the people defending the game, just so they could make the original fans, in their minds at least, look like shallow gamers.  Of course, this was far from the truth.  And they have voted with their wallets.

I see people all over the web still bitching about the character's new look, including his hair. Those are the ones I'm having a go at, because it's  such an insignificant thing to complain about.