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Cant quote im on an ipad..

But happydolphin you know that nintendo couldnt go back up in price? Like my gta5 example, the market doesnt like that price increase. Overpricing and underpricing are the same conversation.. Cause it all depends on the market... If nintendo went down with NSMBU at 10 bucks, and then for NSMBU2 they spend 5x times the budget.. And then they tried rightfully to sell it or 50 bucks.. Do you think the market would accept that? Them not knowing the production costs.. They would think its overpriced compared to the prior version? Do you think then they would sell many NSMBU2s? By lowering your price, you could hurt the market view, just the same as overpricing something.. It would hurt future investments..

Iook at the app store.. Its taking years for people to accept games at 4.99 instead of 99 cents.. SE is priced at 9.99 and more but most people dont accept that price cause it used to be cheaper.. They don't care that there was a heavier investment in the 9.99 games.. Could SE lower their price? Sure? Would it increase sales? maybe.. Does it hurt their image as a brand? Certainly.. Will it harm the price and budget of future SE ios games? Definitly


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)