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Spazzy_D said:

That's an awfully big gamble, taking a business model that is working really well and changing it becuase it "might" make more revenue, if it doesn't it would be disasterous.  It's actually a stupid gamble depending on how many more copies you would have to unload to surpass your previous revenue.

I understand, but it is also a big gamble to price games at a traditional $ number, games that have likely lost their novelty and may have a discovered "cheap" value in the greater market after experiencing the past entries, allthewhile new games are emerging in the market at a very low price with novel concepts that people are craving (I believe, especially after the Wii era).

Gamble versus gamble, I'd go with lower price.

How is using a working business strategy gambling?  At this point in time, it brings in consistent profit.  If it is being marked up, and starts not selling at some point, marking it down won't hurt it.  Marking it down, making less money, and not being able to convince people to pay the old price because of it will actually hurt.  Even if you consider the original business plan a gamble for some reason, you can't actually say it's a bigger gamble.