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RolStoppable said:

happydolphin, I'll be blunt. You should be happy when people call you a troll for this thread, because it's so ridiculous in its premise that most people only see two options: Either you are a troll or stupid for not grasping a basic economic principle. So yeah, be happy that they don't call you an idiot.

The Street Fighter IV example that has been brought up should be very effective in getting the point across. You like 2D fighting games, so you are capable of having a good judgment for what constitutes a full priced game. However, you are not capable of judging 2D platformers yourself, because the general dislike you have for this genre oozes from your posts.

This thread has demonstrated that people absolutely do see Nintendo platformers as being worth full price while your examples for "competing value" were either written off as being priced accordingly at $10 or too expensive for what they offer. Obviously, the opinions you collect on an internet forum may not accurately reflect the market, so it's always a good idea to look at sales in order to get an idea what the market really thinks. In the case of Nintendo's 2D platformers, we have hard data that makes it clear that these games are worth $40-60 (depending on the system they are released on).

Therefore you have absolutely nothing to back up your opinion that Nintendo should lower the prices of these games. What you suggest is actually insane. You ask a company to cut its profit margins for no good reason whatsoever. Should it happen that these games don't sell anymore at these prices in the future, then there's a simple solution: Cut the price. Which means that we have come full circle with this basic economic principle.

You know I could easily report you for that Rol, but we both know you can't help it. I love you that way, but with the number of times you've called me an idiot I've learned to develop a callus. To be totally clear and honest, this is my opinion and I believe the market is not too far from my perception of things. I believe that demand for NSMB will shrink over time, as it has for Nintendogs and Brain Age. You may disagree but I'd like not to be called a troll if that's okay with you guys, you included.

I love platformers, always have. Have been playing them since forever and I don't consider NSMBWii to be a great one. (I was playing DKC2 just the other day, and if megaman can be considered a platformer I was just playing Megaman x Street Fighter, a fan-service game offered for free to the community). I also loved all the platformers I played in my lifetime, and am very happy about that.

Your 3rd argument is spot on, and at the rate Nintendo is going, with the graphs I gave spazzy, it should be clear that they should either 1) lower their forecasts, or 2) lower their prices. The market has become too competitive to price their games that people reluctantly pay to enjoy the Nintendo experience (not considering people on internet forums).

For the last para, I've given my opinion based on my understanding of the latest trends, some opinions of people I've considered from outside the internet, and my concern for Nintendo is simple, in that before they base their projections on expired expectations, I simply suggest they take a more relevant and, if I dare say, honest approach to merchandising their retro offerings.