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theRepublic said:
happydolphin said:
Spazzy_D said:

You don't judge the market price, THE MARKET SETS THE VALUE.  THAT IS HOW IT IS DEFINED.  If their is no makret for the game, then people won't buy it.

It's simple, if people don't buy the games, the price is lowered, until that happens, though, they are sold for the correct percieved value.

Um.... at Nintendo, when they set the price..... how do they or in your mind it's done magically by the market?

Companies use the information they have at hand to make an educated guess as to what a fair market value would be for their product.  If they go too low, their product will sell out, like the Wii did when it was first released.  If they go too high, sales will be very low.  The market has shown that it loves 2D platformers from Nintendo.  So Nintendo prices their games accordingly.

It is simple supply and demand.

Exactly, people in this thread show zero comprehension of the most basic of economic princibles.  It's not like companies just charge whatever the fuck they want and people will buy it anyway, the world doesn't work that way.  Maybe, in the future, people will no longer see the comparative value and Nintendo won't be able to charge those prices, but as of now they would be crazy to lower them.