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Deyon said:
KungKras said:
I don't like Sony's console philosophy (too much hollywood style, not enough durability, etc), and they are an obstacle for gaming to return to the console golden age when consoles had Nintendo games + fantastic third party support in one console.

I think i saw you in this thread like 5 times. But whatever SONY FTW!!

PS2 & 3DS & Wii U FTW!

Screw all other consoles, excluding Sega Dreamcast.

Well, that's the kind of gamer I am now that I'm a grown up.

Plus I love 3D movies & 3D so fort.

A little bit of game history:

The only video games systems to give 3rd Parties 100% freedom is; PS1 & 3DS & Wii U.

Anyways, I personally think that Sony only does Video Games for the Money.