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guys, i really don't think DS sales are gonna be increased by games very much at all. Do you really think ANOTHER FF release is gonna make a difference? Mostly all the genres are covered now, the DS already has a very well rounded and massive user base in Japan. Another model would increase sales but i don't think it would reach that many more gamers, all it would do is making many people who already have a DS get another one.

A price cut might would probably push some more people over the edge who are waiting to buy a DS, but I don't expect that to be a big number.

DQ9 is gonna sell some systems, but most DQ fans probably already have a DS. Square Enix is already very well represented on DS, and there are other DQ titles although this would be the first main series title.

The point is that it has sold so too well and it had to slow down at some point, there is only a limited amount of people willing to play games in a given country.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X