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It depends on the year. Last year, I think I bought...

Xenoblade @ 50 dollars
Kid Icarus Uprising @ 33
Theatrythm @ 33
Mario Tennis @ 33
Pokemon Black V 2 @28
NSMB 2 @ 40
Super Paper Mario @ 40
Mass Effect 3 @ 50
PS All Stars x 3 @ $21
PS All Stars x 2 traded in @ -40
3DS XL @ 200
Wii U @ 350
NSMB Wii U @ 50
Zombi U @ 50
Traded in buttload of games @-300

I also bought a PS3 with PSAll-Stars... But I returned the system within 30 days. Got three copies of the game for 7 bucks each (don't ask) and traded 2 in for 20 each. And I bought a Vita for 120 and Gravity Rush for 40, but then sold them both back for 140, so I lost 20 on that...

All said and done I spent around 650 dollars. Not bad considering that a lot of that was due to the Wii U. I could have probably done without the 3DS XL, but w/e. Gaming's my main hobby so I'm OK with that.