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happydolphin said:
Spazzy_D said:

You don't judge the market price, THE MARKET SETS THE VALUE.  THAT IS HOW IT IS DEFINED.  If their is no makret for the game, then people won't buy it.

It's simple, if people don't buy the games, the price is lowered, until that happens, though, they are sold for the correct percieved value.

Um.... at Nintendo, when they set the price..... how do they or in your mind it's done magically by the market?

Don't take this a personal offense, but you are just categorically wrong.  It's not an opinion thing, it's an ecnomic thing.  Nintendo charges what the market is willing to pay, so yes, the market sets the value.  If the market felt that Mario games were worth 200 dollars, you can bet Nintendo would charge that.

In anycase, I think you are a good poster, and this isn't an attack, but you are wrong and unwilling to understand that you aare wrong, so I'm done with this thread.