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happydolphin said:
ganoncrotch said:
such an odd thread, some nintendo games get discounted soon after launch too, you can get boom street and rhythm heaven wii fairly cheap now due to poorer sales, but the games which are in the top 50 spaces in the charts each week for a year and a half? There is no point to cut the price of these games, to do such a move because there are budget titles and free to play moba games out there? utterly pointless to even suggest this. Perhaps make a thread to suggest that microsoft is being stupid to have cut the price of Forza horizon so early and they should charge more for it because it is a fuller HD game and should clearly be costing more than 60dollars? To even need to be told why the market works as it does is fairly crazy tbh.

tl-dr. Supply/Demand - Rule.

I really don't understand the need to call the ideas here crazy, I'm saying nothing crazy.

I mentioned that there is new competition out there, and that certain games are more demanding of effort than others, and all this affects what pricepoint should be set.

Honestly *what's wrong with you.gif*. :P

I didn't say the ideas here were crazy, I said to have to be told how this basic aspect of how the market works is crazy, it is like having to tell a child when they take the legs off a spider it dies. People pay what they consider a product to be worth to them, every Apple product is testiment to this.

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