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I'm a closet VII fan.


I tell people my favorite FF is FFIV because they think it's cool to be underground, but my real favorite FF game is FFVIII because I love Squall Rhinoa, Zell and Quistis. I also love the draw system, and beating that game from beginning to end, is an experience that I love, right down to the Zero levels game where I maxxed my stats on the Islands of Heaven and Hell.


I also, love FFX and XII, and neither of those games are popular online.


VI was good, and had some classic characters, but the primative storytelling of the era just kept it from being as engrossing to me as the later games.


The reason VII was amazing, imo, was the atmosphere of the game, the feeling of helplessness, and some of the "Kojima" type moments, such as when you fight Sephy for the final time and the only command available to you is Omni-Slash.


My first playthrough I had yet to unlock all the limit breaks, and when I did that move, I couldn't BELIEVE how awesome it was, lol!


VIII gets a 10/10 from me, VII gets a 9.8, Tactics gets a 10/10, XII gets a 9.7, X gets a 9.5, and VI gets a 9.5 considering how much it innovated. Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, are imo, just as good as Final Fantasy VI, and no FF game before VI, besides IV perhaps, can stack up against modern games, I don't care how much they innovated.


I think its the same reason some people hate Twilight Princess. I personally felt its the best game in the series, but some people felt it "didn't innovate". Not a criticism imo, coming from the greatest gaming series of all time.



I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.