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newwil7l said:
ninjablade said:
KHlover said:

The weakest console has always won yet.

ps2 was a beast when it came out, so was the psx and super nes was more powerful and beat out the genesis, every single console that won there respective generations were a beast when they came out except for the wii, sure it was a win for nintendo but not for gamers with no real third party support. the weak console that won a gen in sales was the wii, it got no third party support though and no hype for its successer, if the wiiu wins this then we can say power doesn't matter.

False. Never in history has the most powerful console ever won. NES was a lot weaker than anything else on the market at the time, but it obliterated everything in sales. Yeah sure the SNES was more powerful than the Genesis, but the Neo-Geo was a monster in power compared to the Super Nintendo. The Nintendo 64 came in as a powerhouse and at the time the graphics were unbelievable. Did it win the generation? Nope that title went to the weaker PlayStation. The Gamecube and Xbox came into the 6th gen with a lot of power that far exceeded the PS2, but we all know who ended up winning that console war. And the 7th gen that we are now leaving had the weak Wii as the the winner. So as you can see, aiming your console to be a mighty powerhouse isn't a great idea.

Don't forget the Gameboy, the DS, and the 3DS, all of which beat/are beating much more powerful competitors.