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One thing some people fail to mention is that there is sometimes a wait for the games to show up on PC. For example I'll be playing Grand Theft Auto 4 on April 29th. I can barely wait until then to play it so why should I have to wait until 6 months or possibly a year (or maybe never who knows) for it to show up on PC? The same with Resident Evil 5 and many other multiplatform titles.

That doesn't even include games like Too Human, Ninja Gaiden 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, Cry On, Tales of Vesperia, Halo Wars, Infinite Undiscovery, Halo: Chronicles, and others that are 360 exclusives.

I'm curious exactly how many great games does the 360 need to justify it's purchase? 10? 20? I'm really curious because I see some people buying new high-end videocards to replace their exisiting ones that cost more than the 360 and they're buying them for just a handful of games that will actually push the card. In some cases I've seen people buy them for only 1 game. Yeah that's right some people are willing to spend several hundred if not a thousand+ dollars for the equipment to run a couple of games their existing hardware couldn't but hell no the 360 is a useless purchase because it might only end up with 30 or 40 or 50 or whatever exclusives in it's lifetime.