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Chark said:
Microsoft could bring some back but should be making new ones more regularly.

Sony should bring several back but are juggling a lot right now and still trying to bring new ones.

Nintendo should really make some new ones.

New Brute Force,new Kameo and new KungFuChaos and i would be at least interested in the new Xbox.
Those were great games.

Sony has a big library.
They probably have a hard time what to choose and Naughty Dog/Sony should get their Crash back.
Then of course most of their 1st/2nd Party Studios are working with 2 teams on new games.A lot of them are already in development for the PS4 or some new IPs still coming this year for the PS3.
I think you can count most of the games as a Sony IP cause for example Quantic Dream won't work for anyone else.They love Sony and will stay with them.They also said they would become 1st party if they get the chance.They are always Sony Exclusive and some others will never get released on other consoles.

Nintendo needs to spend money and they obviously do.
They probably have some nice J-RPGs coming,maybe a good relationship with Platinum Games(the only developer who is able to do good games of those genre right now so you have to get a WiiU if you want good Actioncombat games like Bayonetta) and some others.