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Children, youth, Soriku. Whatever you want to call them, kids don't seem to get the respect they deserve in the Videogame world. You know what reviewers say: "This game is too hard for kids", "It's too easy for adults but kids might like it" and most importantly "The game is too complicated for kids to get into".


And this got me thinking. I was a kid once. A typical kid who played videogames and ate junk food thought about breasts way to stinking much for someone that little. My friends were kids too. And when I think of the games that we all played, I'm filled with warm memories of metroid, zelda, ninja gaiden and many other F'ing hard games.

Seriously. I'm playing Zelda II: The adventures of Link on VC right now and I don't think they make games this hard anymore. And if they did most people who aren't kids wouldn't buy it because it would get slammed in reviews for being too hard. But the kids that picked that game up would play it regardless. They'd get they're ass handed to them but keep coming back and eventually beat it.


So I say lets celebrate the kid. That pint size videogame guru that doesn't give up when the games get tough. Because the more they know just how hard the games they're playing are now, the less likely they are to grow up and write kids off as being unable to handle tough games.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.