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Turkish said:
J_Allard said:
Turkish said:
J_Allard said:
If the platform holder is not publishing the title, then how is there a partnership just because the game only releases on that platform? That's just silly.

So in order for it to be a partnership, the platformer holder needs to publish the game at all costs? MGS4 is not on 360 because Konami doesn't want extra sales? Thats just silly.

You seem like a guy who should be smart enough to understand what partnership means.

As for MGS4, is there a partnership? Who knows. Do you know? No. Do I know? No. Is there precedence for a Japanese company not releasing a game on 360 because the cost may not be worth the potential revenue? Yes.

360 has more than a couple RTS games not on PS3 but not published by MS. Do these developers/publishers have a "partnership" with MS? No.

You were dead wrong about Sine Mora. Just get over it and quit finding inane stuff to complain about.

No, FF13 ring a bell to you?

Sony can go in partnerships with 3rd parties without publishing their games. Thats all there is to, its not very complicated.

No one is saying Sony can't do that. Where you are wrong is in the idea that Konami and Sony by default have some sort of partnership with MGS4 just because it's not on 360. Do you have any evidence of this partnership? Not speculation or opinion, but actual evidence No? Then why make such a whiny deal about it?