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Legend11 said:
I find it hard to take the reviews of people who say it's the worst game ever or complete crap or whatever seriously when millions of people obviously enjoyed it. If the game was as bad as some people are claiming it wouldn't have as many fans as it does. The characters in the game wouldn't be as recognizable as fan favorites like they are. Having a character in the game die wouldn't have hit the people playing it so hard.

This really reminds me of something I've seen in forums that talk about the current Battlestar Galactica and Bionic Woman series. I've seen many of the fans of the older series completely bash the newer ones even though the newer ones aren't really that bad and in some ways are just as good in their own way. I think some people just don't like change or only want it on their terms.

You're definitely right,and sorry Naznatips,but all the objectivity that you always show,dissapear when you start talking about how you hate FFVII,I see your points,but sorry,everyone have points,I'm not in the mod to get to debate your conclusions,maybe in another time,the sure thing (and you can't denied) is that a HUGE amount of people LOVE this game,this game means many things for many,introduces a lot of people to RPGS,was one of the most influential games at that time,and it's not only my opinion Naz,at least 10 million of people could say the same to you.