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JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:
green_sky said:
I don't get "brand loyalty" either. Even more so when some people swear by the brands. There are other reasons to only get one console such as time constraint, budget and space.

Yeah i agree with that.

I replied to you yesterday, why haven't you answered back? Whats up with that biased 3rd party lists? Apparantly you saw my reply and just decided to not bother.

Do your homework or don't create such a thread at all, it contains errors, its an incomplete list and you don't wanna fix it, why is this thread still going?

Here another 2 studios you forgot: Queasy Games and Drinkbox Studio

Don't worry I'll create a more unbiased thread, and I will listen to the people who see errors and incomplete lists.

For whatever reason you think this list has something to do with exclusives and it doesn't  It is about partnerships and first party.  Sine Mora was published by Microsoft and developed by both Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital reality.  

Read the first line if you dont believe me

If you want to guide me towards partnerships then go ahead but this has nothing to do with exclusives.  because that you clearly missed the point of this thread. This has everything to do with next generation and companies, not exclusives to let you know.  If you want to go make an exclusive list for each console then be my guest but that is not what this thread is.  i already divided SCEJ into three companies when in reality it is one to make people feel better but ok.

Also you being unbiased?  lmao Ok Turkish.  I mean you can criticise me and Ill be fine with that but dont cruelfully joke like that ;P

Its an incomplete list and contains errors. Sine Mora was published by Microsoft, so Microsoft published a game on PS3 and Vita? LMAO you should know better, you make this thread and then point me towards wikipedia? Even knowing the publisher for the PS3/Vita versions is not listed? Do your homework.

You also never heard of Queasy Games and Drinkbox Studio. Thus its an incomplete list.

Tell me what the very first logo that pops up on this.  yeah that is right, microsoft.  So no do not tell me to do my homework.  Two different publishers.

Now as I was saying, i will add those studios no problem but just tell me instead of accusing me.


EDIT: you need to tell me what they are for though.  first party  second or third

So you are saying Microsoft published it on PSN. ok

no im saying it is published by a different company on psn.  Sine Mora is published by MSFT on XBLA.  Just like Mass Effect is published by MSFT on Xbox and EA on PS3.  

As i said before this has nothing to do with exclusives.  It is about partnerships. Nothing more.  You want a list of sony owned ips go to my new thread.  You can worship sony there no problem

EDIT: here is the thread for you

I'm not talking about exclusives, you put Sine Mora and its dev in the 3rd party list for Microsoft while the game is also available on PSN, that means the devs also partnered with Sony in bringing it to the PSN, just because MS published the game doesn't mean Sony can't partner with the devs. its okay no problem you could've overlooked it seeing you lack many other names  aswel.