Chark said:
Oops sorry, I mean for the whole system. Unified RAM would mean it is sharred with GPU and CPU but speculation has 512MB or 1GB reserved for the OS. There isn't a firm knowledge about how much RAM will be needed for games in the future, but if you look at a system like the Wii U which has 2GB, utilizing 1GB for games. Something like 3-3.5GB of GDDR5, which is faster, is quite the step up. You might want to take the Durango rumors with some salt. They say 8GB of GDDR3 RAM, but dev kits typically have more RAM than the final product and it very well could get chopped down. They also suggest 3GB of that is part of the OS anyway. It really is anyone's guess what the final RAM specs will be, but we had plenty of people just last year speculating that 2GB to 4GB of RAM for Games is the target with anything else overkill because consoles optimize RAM. GDDR5, wasn't even part of the discussion then so it is really interesting to hear some of these rumors on PS4. |
If we assume it's 512 MB for the OS and 1 GB for the GPU, that'll leave 2.5 GB. I think it's not enough in the long run. It's good for now but it won't be after the first few years. Well, I mean, devs will learn to live with it and it problably gives them a lot more room to breathe than they have now with the PS3 but they'll still be struggling. And I believe we can say that the PS3 is a good example of how faster memory doesn't help nearly as much as more memory. Also: open world games. They sure seem to like their RAM more than more linear games do, and open worlds seem to be where we're going. Not with everything of course, but they're a big thing now and I don't see them losing popularity any time soon.
Also, I haven't really looked into the Durango rumors. I've heard them and I'm not really comparing these rumors to those. It's kinda unbelievable MS would put 8 GB in it and then take 3 GB for the OS. 3 GB, seriously? I'm running Windows 7 with about 2 GB in use right now, and that's with some rather unnecessary stuff running - and I'm sure they could cut it down by quite a bit for their console.