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platformmaster918 said:
DanneSandin said:
platformmaster918 said:
DanneSandin said:

Yeah,I've seen a few of the boss fights in GoW, and they DO look mighty impressive! But, I mean, if I just wanted the scale of things I might just as well get Shadow of the Colossus and skip all the hack'n'slash gore and get straight to the good parts ^^ When I get my hands on a PS3 I'll ask my friends if they have HR, then I'll give it a go - but I'm not buying the game =)

I've never played any of SOnys platformers (except for LBP) so I'd love to get some tip on which ones are good!

What kind of games are Infamous and Resistance?

Resistance is an FPS.  I would only recommend 3 although people also seem to enjoy 1.  It's nothing special in MP but SP in 3 is fantastic with upgrading weapon (as in you use them more and they level up from 1-3 and get different powers as a result).  

I've played them both and I can tell you that GoW's combat is VERY different than SotC's.  They're really not comparable and the combat against the lesser enemies is fun too just the boss fights are the climactic moments.  

Infamous is a superhero game.  It's a third person, open world, platformer where you use electricity powers to fight gangs and help a plague infested city that has been quarentined.  You get new powers thoughout the game and gain xp from main and side missions (along with stylish kills) to upgrade the powers.  As far as platformers go I would recommend picking up the Ratchet, Jak, and/or Sly collections because they're cheap as hell (so is GoW saga for FIVE games) and give you a good sense of the PS3 games for Ratchet and Sly.  

Ratchet and Clank is my favorite series of all time and ACiT is my favorite game this gen.  3 is my favorite game of all time so if you have to choose one franchise to invest I'm telling you that one every time, but DO NOT start out with All4One or Full Frontal Assult as I'm appauled they even made those as a fan of the franchise as its now looking milked and they could've spent that time working on a PS4 one in the same vein as ACiT and all the other good ones but oh well.

I still think I' gonna skip GoW ^^ And I've never been a FPS guy, so I guess Resistance is a skip as well :P

But InFamous does sound quite promising. Now that you describe it a bit I know I've seen footage of it... And I can actually differ R&C from Jak and Sly; didn't you have R&C as a avvy quite recently? So getting either of those collections would be a good starting point for PS3 platformers?

most definitely.  Ratchet has been my favorite franchise ever since I played Going Commando and Jak is pretty awesome as well.  Don't judge Ratchet on the first game as it's easily my least favorite until All4one came along.  A lot of the series staple aren't there yet (upgrading weapons, health, arena battles, and just the quality of the platforming).  I actually started on 2 and it still holds up incredibly.  The Jak games are all really different as Jak 1 is very light on combat and much more lighthearted.  Jak 2 is kind of gloomy (still has comedy relief) and focuses a lot more on gunplay (no guns in the first) and Jak 3 is my favorite as it adds new powers and evironments along with mini games.

Very interesting indeed! Sounds like I'm gonna get me UC, R&C and Jak later on! Maybe even Sly... It's just a matter of finding the right games, so I don't play the crappy ones :P Just like how I avoided Super Mario Sunshine ^^

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