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platformmaster918 said:
DanneSandin said:

I didn't say I didn't admire Sony's effort of always giving us new IP's; I actually think that's a great thing they're doing, and more (perhaps most of all, Nintendo) should do it as well. And I have actually tried UC, GT, Twisted Metal and LBP. I'm not too interested in racing simulations and I prefer Super Mario over LBP, and Twisted Metal definitely isn't as good as it used to be. UC is something I really wanna play more of though!! And it's unfortunate you saying that Sly isn't as good as Mario (and implying that it's not as good as Jak either) since Thief's in Time has picked my interest =/

Now, Heavy Rain is too much of a movie to me; I'd much rather just watch an actual film instead, and GoW is just ridiculously gory and over the top for me to take seriously. I mean, come on - it's really silly to watch. They tried to make him too macho for my taste.

The boss fights in God of War are really hard when you play on higher difficulties (at least for me who never got into the hack and slash genre) so it's really satisfying to rip them apart and they always come up with the most appropriate way to do so for THAT specific character, which is why I don't mind the gore.  That and the scale is always epic while you're playing not just in cutscenes.  Heavy Rain really immerses you after the awkward tutorial stage and I've never found myself taking deep breaths after decisions or action scenes like in that game.  I was skeptical like you at first which is why I bought it when it was $30 but I'm getting Beyond at launch after seeing what it could do and the deep decision making that went into it.

I LOVE sly and have Thieves in Time pre-ordered I just don't view it as a top tier franchise.  The whole pressing circle to latch onto things never felt really smooth like climing in Uncharted, but it certainly has its charm and I'm looking forward to platinuming it.  I do like Jak and Ratchet better (2 of my favorite franchises of all time) but I simply put it below Mario because I just thought I would be run out of the internet for ever comparing Sly to Mario honestly.  But it's good to see a fellow admirer of the raccoon who isn't afraid to give him that honor.

I would encourage you to try Infamous if you haven't already it got lower scores than a lot of games as did Resistance 3 but all 3 of them are some of my favorite games this gen (R3 definitely my favorite shooter and I'm so mad at Sony for not marketing it better!)

Yeah,I've seen a few of the boss fights in GoW, and they DO look mighty impressive! But, I mean, if I just wanted the scale of things I might just as well get Shadow of the Colossus and skip all the hack'n'slash gore and get straight to the good parts ^^ When I get my hands on a PS3 I'll ask my friends if they have HR, then I'll give it a go - but I'm not buying the game =)

I've never played any of SOnys platformers (except for LBP) so I'd love to get some tip on which ones are good!

What kind of games are Infamous and Resistance?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.