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Welcome to best in the series! Every week I'll be putting up a film series and out of the options given to you, your task is to pick the best one. 

Week 1: TDK Trilogy

The TDK trilogy is my favourite film trilogy of all time and that's why I'm starting this thread off with it. 

TDKR>>>TDK>>>Batman Begins

*TDK came in first place

My personal favourite out of all 3 films is The Dark Knight Rises. And for me personally its my favourite film of all time. Despite incredibly high expectations set by The Dark Knight (my second favourite film of all time) it still managed to obilterate those expectations. TDKR is a film which is more of a slow killer. Every time you watch it you like it better than the last. I don't really have much to say about TDK except for the fact that Heath Ledger "wowed" the world with his brilliant performance as Joker. Throw in a great story, thoughtful music, smart direction TDK is unarguably one of the best films of all time. Batman Begins may not be as brilliant as the last two films in my opinion but still a great film that entertains you. BB is most noted for making Batman a well respected superhero and for starting off the incredible dark knight trilogy