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trying to find all the speed cameras sucks, 1 damn camera yet too find . gggrrrrrrr

I found em by accident.  I was just driving around doing a chase scene, and I got the trophy out of nowhere.  I also went online to find a map to show all the jack spots so I got all of them and all the cars, which felt great, but I really don't wanna do all the gates and billboards, so I just accept I won't get the platinum on that one and move on. I wouldn't mind getting some multiplayer stuff, though. I do admit that, if I ended up getting all of them except three trophies (all billboards, all gates, 1st place on all races with all cars), then I might be compelled to get the last three.  Also:  How does one get the "run over 5 spike strips with reinflates" work?  I did like 12 spike strips, but I didn't get the trophy. 

Also, I noticed that Playstation All-Stars has added the "get a level 3 super with Kat" trophy, but I can't find the DLC anywhere. is it tomorrow? 

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