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ils411 said:
JoeTheBro said:
Aerys said:
Bad news about killzone : "Killzone is made for handheld, fast paced missions, not too long. Just enough to jump in the bus, play one merc mission, pause game, put Vita to stand-by mode and finish later.


This remember us Unit 13 or worst, COD... I don't like this shit " made for handheld, fast paced missions, no too long " , an other way to say the game will be similar to a killzone but smaller in scope...

Fully agree. If Killzone Vita is epic single player like on consoles then it could save the Vita single handily. If it's this bite sized crap then I'll probably not even get it.

Its sad how Sony just cant do anything right...first they get trashed for trying to bring home console gaming experience to handhelds, and now they're getting crap from you guys for trying to make games more portable friendly.

Sony just can't get a break

So you think GOW on PSP would have done better if instead of having a normal campaign it had 25 unrelated 10 minute missions? Heck no! The only people trashing Vita for home console gaming are people who do their handheld gaming at home. They think "I already have the game on PS3, I don't need it again." No one complains "this game is too great, no way can I play it on the bus to grandma's house." It's ridiculous that you would even think that.