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DanneSandin said:
Tachikoma said:
DanneSandin said:

Well, I'm not especially teach savvy, so I can't argue anything in your post, and I can hardly understand half of it. But I'll just say that this probably is a relatively early build of the game, and it won't come out until the end of this year, or perhaps even next year. This will of course mean that Monolith will have quite some time left to refine it. Xenoblade looked a lot better when it released than the first footage we saw of it, so I'm expecting this to be true this time around again.

And I still don't think we'll see a similar situation as Wii vs PS360 this gen; assuming the Wii U costs ca $250 to manufacture, excluding the gamepad, PS720 will costs a whole lot more if we're to have another Wii situation. And as I stated in the OP, Sony can't afford to lose too much money on the PS4. Even losing $50/sold console will hit them hard, so we can expect the PS4 to be sold around $400, and lets just assume it also costs $400 to manufacture; that's a $150 difference between Wii U and PS4 then. Surely, that won't allow the PS4 to be miles a head of the Wii U - power wise. Certainly not a Wii - PS3 gap anyways...

In the end no matter how powerful a peice of hardware is, it's up to the software developers to push the envlope - what you're missing here is that the architecture of the new Sony and Microsoft console is very similar to the PC, with all three platforms as close to standardized as they've ever been before, it will be  possible for develops of all three platforms to push the envelope of graphical quality, knowing the hardware has the grunt to back up.

While the WiiU may in some ways be more powerful than the ps3 and 360, it's weaker in others. There is no question of the power gap between the wiiU and the next consoles from Sony and Microsoft, putting it simply the WiiU is more or less on a graphical quality level of early to mid life ps3/360 games, neither Microsoft or Sony can afford to release a console that isn't a big jump in quality and performance over their current consoles, as being the one to release the inferior console would result in a massive bullet hole in their proverbial foot, as it just wouldn't sell.

The first generation titles will be noticeably better than the current (end of life) titles for PS3 and 360, with higher native resolutions and framerates, the higher native resolution putting across the additional visual quality nicely, with things only getting more and more detailed as engines improve.

For example, Once UE4 finds it's way to the nextbox and PS4, expect a large crop of games running on it to look absolutely beautiful.

As you use a unreleased game with nearly a year left of development as you quality milestone, let me use the following:

A tech demonstration of Unreal Engine 4 running realtime 3D, something that will be possible on the next generation xbox and playstation.

Then of course the following, Agni's Philosophy, which will ultimately be an engine for the next generation xbox and playstation square enix games.

Unless Sony and Microsoft screw up completely with their release and pricing (which neither are likely to do) the WiiU will bedead last in terms of power and quality.

While I do agree that MS and Sony needs to release more powerful systems to stay competitive, I hope you're wrong that we'll see i similar situation as Wii vs PS360 again (but that might just be my wishful thinking).

I'd actually love to see you chip in on this discussion: where they're trying to figure out all the rumors going around about next gen and how this will affect them, and such things. Some thinks PS720 will be a lot more powerful than Wii U (like you), and others think they'll be much more close in terms of power (kinda like me). They are a whole lot more knowledgeable than me, so i think you'll get much better answers there. And you'll probably get more relevant questions than you can get from me.

But if it's true what you're saying, that PS720 will be leaps and bounds ahead of Wii U, how do you think this will affect Nintendo? From what I can gather the engines will be extremely scalable this gen; UE4 is supposed to be able to work on smartphones, and wouldn't this mean it'll work on Wii U as well?

And would you perhaps mind sharing with us what kind of USP both new systems will have? =) I've heard Sony is ditching Duelshock and will have a controller similar to Wii U's GamePad... And I've heard crazy rumors of Kinect2 being able to display images on the floor and other surfaces in the room...

I'll be as blunt as possible - the reason i'm not confused as to if the consoles will or will not be a far step in terms of power over the WiiU, and the reason i'm not taking part in that discussion is because i've nothing i can legally add to it (NDA), I do know the projected final specifications for both consoles as they're very similar to the revision 2 PS4 sdk and revision 3 xbox ____ sdk.