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Nintendo just made a system that no one really asked for, other than Nintendo's core fanbase that has to have any Nintendo console to play the next Mario/Zelda/DK/etc. (so lets put them aside).

No one wants another PS3/360 system. The PS3/360 themselves are like 6-7 years old. People want a big, clear upgrade if they are going to buy a new console, otherwise their hard earned cash is going elsewhere ... like a tablet or new phone.

Wii U controller is no Wiimote, does not generate the same excitement with casuals, takes gaming back to sitting on a couch and using 15 button controllers which is the anti-thesis of the Wii concept in the first place.

Nintendo Land is overly cartoony and has to be explained whereas Wii Sports was neutral enough for adults to get into it and straight forward to pick up and play.

Nintendo's milked Mario too hard the last 2-3 years.

System is too expensive, why pay $350 for a Wii U, when you can get a 360 or PS3 bundled with a game for cheaper and have a much larger library with better third party support and a slew of $20-$30 games. Batman: Arkham City GOTY Edition is $19.99 at my Best Buy for the 360. It's $59.99 on the Wii U.