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oh god, I think it finally happened! I'm out of games to play (kind of)

I just beat Need for Speed, so that leaves me with only one game in my posession on Vita I have yet to finish: Persona 4. I also have Mortal Kombat and Hot Shots, but Hot Shots hasn't made it here yet and I leant Mortal Kombat out, so Persona is all I have on the Vita, and I'm gonna leave that for when I have time (huge game, and I'm about to get busy.)

I was going to play the PS1 edition of Chrono Trigger on my Vita, but more rational minds have convinced me to delete that from my Vita and just get the DS version, so that's out. I may have to hang up the Vita for a short while! I am playing smart As, which I'm enjoying so far, but that's not a game game as much as brain training activities. Anyway, yeah!

On consoles I'm just finally playing the Sly Cooper games. 1/3 of the way through the first game, which is proving to be no challenge at all. Then, once I'm done with the sly collection, off to Sly 4 on PS3/Vita! Then after Sly, it's gonna be DeaD space 3, then probably Dark Souls.

On the flipside, I also have DS games to play. I only have two 3DS games to play and beat: Kingdom Hearts 3D and Paper Mario. Both look good, I think. I also plan on finishing up Pokemon SoulSilver for the first time, but my buddy has some pokemon for me in my ultimate team, so that waits too.

Looks like my current schedule is going to end up being Sly and either Kingdom Hearts of Paper Mario. What do you guys think I should play?

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android