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Metrium said:
tbone51 said:

Dont wrry not mad... You just trying to prove a point. Now two things, 1. yes Llyod Irving, Emil from tales will be included! Their popular and are nintendo (especially lloyd). 2. Banjo Kazooie is very important back in the N64 era. People had labeled it as the best 3D platformer in its time! Even better than Super Mario 64 and DK 64! Not to mention it had two games which the others didn't! Banjo Kazooie 1 is also the 10th best seller on the system! Another Example character people want is Bomberman. He's been big on N64 as well! Small on GCN and nothing on Wii unfortunately! Jus saying!

I dont mind Bomberman since hes a big character (atleast used to be) and made his mark on Nintendo system's. Tails may arguably be a bigger character than Bomberman, but Tails is still only a #2 of his franchise. Main character of 3rd party should be considered but that should be it imo

I'm one of those who thought DK64 was the best 3D platformer. But to be back on topic, you are making good points, and I'm aware of all that. But my argument (and nothing you can say can change my mind on this) is that Banjo being a MS 1st party games, his inclusion is IMPOSSIBLE. Bomberman has a chance (super small, but still has one) but Banjo has as much chance as Sly Cooper. Why include someone who we all know is pointless to hope for? If Banjo became 3rd party, I would agree with you. No matter what the contribution Banjo did in the past, nothing will erase the fact that it's owned by microsoft. Now I'm seeing one of my favorite character who has a chance lose in the first round to someone who is IMPOSSIBLE and that is making me angry lol. Would have probably upset me less if it faced a obscure character like Barbara.

To me it's like making a thread titled ''who would win the NCAA football championship in 2015'', make the thread in a form of a tournament like you did, and add inside that tournament the NE's Patriots as a contender. Why do this knowing that all it will do is eliminating teams from the thread who have a legitimate chance agains the Pats who winning the NCAA title would be IMPOSSIBLE? Obviously you would have no reasons to add the Pats to your thread unlike Banjo, but despite that the result would be the same, both cases would face off a impossible contender against someone legitimate.

i get your arguement! He'll be the only one then, your right 0% chance, but im sure people want him! Oh well. BTW it does suck he's owned by M$! Chec the other characters i have coming! You kno how Nintendo has new characters that your like who the **** is this? (ness in SSB, Mr Game+Watch in SSBM, and R.O.B in SSBB) i got a couple nominees! So dont laugh when i put them up! Thats like looking at R.O.B b4 smash bros brawl was released!