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fordy said:
Player1x3 said:

Wow, you're pretty desperate. The difference between you and me is that i didn't attack, flame, provoke or name call you or anyone for having a different opinion than me whereas you constantly flamed killerzx and timmah for disagreeing with you. Are you able to comprehend this difference?

And bigotry isn't necessarily tied to a group of people. You can just as easily be a bigot towards an individual. Although if you're interested in groups, i'd say it's pretty obvious that you seem to be a bigot towards a group of people who have different opinion than you on the subject..

If you don't like my method of arguingm, then don't step in. However, it's a pretty long shot to be calling argumentative methods as bigotry. Even peaceful means of intolerance are still classed as bigotry. As you'll see in the definition, it defines that bigotry must have a level of intolerance.

Hahaha, wow, you really are a piece  of work, you know that? I serioulsy laughed after reading this part for a bit. 

I didnt step in into your ''debate''. I didnt even quote you. And ''argumentive methods''?? Really? Is that what you call attacking, flaming and insulting people? Oh my God, how can you possibly prove my and timmah's point any better?  Can you even hear yourself ??? Why didnt you post this before, so that I could know for sure not to waste my time here anymore?

You certanly are intolerant towards anyone that disagress with you on the subject, so far you have proven this quite well and multiple times already.

YOUR intolerance came by initially posting such a flame with such idiocy as not to provide any kind of justification behind it.

I think this post you made (together with few others) is more than enough of a justification.

So in other words, you're saying I'm bigoted towards a group of people I disagree with? Once again, that would make EVERYONE a bigot (including you. Surprise surprise).

Disagreeing is one thing, attacking and calling someone names is completly other.  You can disagree with someone without calling him a bigot and comparing him to Hitler. I know this is a hard concept to grasp for people like you who have an ego so out of whack that it'll do anything to protect itself, but at least try to acknowledge it. If I say ''I think MW2 is better than MW3'' and you say ''I think MW3 is better'', that would be a normal disagreement. If you procced to say that I am a bigot and Hitler-like for disagreeing with you, than YOU are intolerant and thus bigot.

Whether it comes out as agressive or as annoying as your illogical posts are, it's still bigotry by your definition. What you fail to see is that I'm arguing with one on a completely different matter to the other poster.

What you were arguing over with is irrelevant. You were adressing BOTH posters with a complete lack of human respect and a very hostile attitude.

Besides, are you implying that these guys are in some kind of anti-gay group? Also, the thought of arguing that someone is intolerable for not standing the views of an "anti" group (ie. one that displays the INITIAL intolerance to said group), is outright ironic and laughable.

Except that they weren't ''anti gay group''. You were ''anti other opinnion'' group..

Are you seriously going to try to argue your way down this dead end? 

Oh hell no,im out for good