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the negativity will pass when Soul Sacrifice comes out. Like some people have said, it's January, quit whining, guys! seriously!

I mean, don't get me wrong, Sony hasn't been doing all that well with handling it, but I give it till 2015. If by then it's not amazing, THEN I'll be worried. I just remember that the PS3 took a long time to gain steam, and now it's one of the best overall consoles of all time. The Vita has immense power AND a tonne of support from indies, it'll continue to have support, and as we get better sales and it breaches 20-25 million hardware units sold, then we'll see a lot of support.

No denying it needs a pricecut on hardware and memory cards, though. 3DS couldn't sell at 250, Sony needs to learn that no matter how advanced their hardware, people have limits on what they'll spend on a single purchase.

Give it time.

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