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mrstickball said:
Kasz216 said:

Grand Theft Auto has quirky sidequests? Where?

No More heroes is basically a Hack N' Slash with Minigames.

Also Dynasty Warriors does have an economy system. (in some modes)

Many dynasty warriors games also do have quirky minigames.

Would Halo not be a FPS if after every stage you had to play a minigame to power up your guns? (Half of which involved shooting people in FPS mode.)

Also i'd guess 100K was already around double their expectations. I mean, do some research on Suda 51 games.

I don't know if one would consider them quirky, but there are many, many sidequests in GTA like Taxi Driving, EMT, Firefighting, Cops & Robbers, and so on and so forth. Saints Row upped it with real quirky ones like the whole insurance fraud aspect of the game.
NMH is still open ended, sandbox and so-forth, even if it does include strong hack-n-slash elements. So the GTA comparisons are certainly there. Was I kind of off in saying it's a GTA knock-off? Yes, a bit. But there are strong comparisons between the 2. Which is my reasoning as to why I question exactly why some think 100k is good - a similar title on the X360 would of most likely sold 100,000 first week in the US.


 MrStickball, No More Heroes is nothing like GTA. The overworld is just a giant clunky menu system. As for the sales of the game, NMH has no ad campaign. That is the big reason for the slowness of sales but it is hardly a bomb. Look up the sales of Suda 51 titles and tell me it a bomb.