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GameOver22 said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Why does that matter first of all? America hasn't been around long enough such as Egypt for that to occur and on top of that After America became a country society as a whole started evolving at rapid pace especially in the Human Rights situations

Rapid pace? I think the opposite argument could be made, especially given the principles and ideals on which our country was founded......I mean, blacks didn't even have a semblance of political equality until the mid 1960s. Truth is, American history is a lot uglier than most people are willing to admit. There are numerous examples where we've violated the principles outlined in popular conceptions of our political culture.

thousands upon thousands of years believing slavery is fine vs 100 or so years thinking it was fine in the US followed by another 100 years or so of segregation... yeah, I'd say that's pretty rapid.