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Wii_gamer said: Decent number for Fire Emblem (~75k for the week?) and should have larger legs than the GC version (by virtue of launching earlier in the life of the system and so on) so should hit 200k. Naruto will have legs so still early days for that (~55-60k for the week, 250-300k lifetime)
Fire Emblem - no. People didn't buy a Wii to play this. This could and should have been released on the Cube. Naruto - again, no. Just look at the recent Dragonball game. This is no different, only will come off worse for being the same thing just released a few weeks after. Wii is going to continue the current trend of dropping sales figures week over week in Japan until they get a killer app out, and that doesn't look like happening for quite some time.

PSN - hanafuda