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ethomaz said:

1337 Gamer said:

That chart is wrong.. Atleast in terms of the price point of those GPUs. THe GTX 285 cost much more than $350 back when it was released and even looking at those charts to release the card to the consumer it cost them $163.46 to manufacture everything. Yes i know that was a larger Die in terms of mm^2 but even so to actually build the card with the memory and other necessary parts and custom heatsinks and what not your looking at well over $100. Far more than the $50 your specified. A GPU needs much more than just the silicon die.

That's the point for a console it didn't because the same components used to GPU is used to CPU and the full system too... you don't have separated parts like PC... so the memory cost is for the full system and not just GPU.

Yes you are correct to an extent. But you do realize that you have to quadrouple the amount of needed memory assuming of course that the PS3 is really going to use 4GB if GDDR5. Yes probably the price has come down but your still probably looking at $80 to $100 for just the memory. And you still need to factor in the CPU cost and cooling and the case and power supply and things of that nature. There is no way it can be done for $400.

Long Live SHIO!