Miguel_Zorro said:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_video_game_consoles_%28fifth_generation%29 As for the Dreamcast - I generally left out audio RAM for all consoles. |
I checked your source.
- 1 MB SDRAM as work RAM for both SH-2 CPUs (faster)
- 1 MB DRAM as work RAM for both SH-2 CPUs (slower)
- 512K VDP1 SDRAM for 3D graphics (Texture data for polygon/sprites and drawing command lists)
- 2x 256K VDP1 SDRAM for 3D graphics (Two framebuffers for double-buffered polygon/sprite rendering)
- 512K VDP2 SDRAM for 2D graphics (Texture data for the background layers and display lists)
- 4 KB VDP2 SRAM for color palette data and rotation coefficient data (local, on-chip SRAM)
- 512 KB DRAM for sound. (Multiplexed as sound CPU work RAM, SCSP DSP RAM, and SCSP wavetable RAM)
- 512 KB DRAM as work RAM for the CD-ROM subsystem's SH-1 CPU
- 32 KB SRAM with battery back-up for data retention.
- 512 KB Mask ROM for the SH-2 BIOS
You included the 0.5MB of Mask ROM in your RAM total. The Saturn had 4.5MB of RAM. If you aren't including Audio RAM in your totals the you need to dock a 0.5MB of RAM from the Saturn. Which would give it total of 4MB.
Side Note: If the rumored specs are to be believed, then only MS is releasing a next-gen system according to Crytek.