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forevercloud3000 said:
While I reject the idea that Vita has not had a plethera of good titles(I have purchased more Vita games than anythin in 2012), I do wish more 3rd Parties were on board. I don't know what it is about Sony these days but most 3rd Parties seem very hesitant to even give them the benefit of the doubt they freely give Nintendo. When Sony says " Hey EA/Ubi/SE/Capcom/etc, I want you guys to make a game for our portable", the only thing most of them come up with is "Lets just rehash stuff we already released on other systems", when NIN asks of the same thing they get original stuff more often. Why is this?

The only non 1st party game I own for Vita is......Assassin's Creed: Liberations honestly. Everything else is Sony first party. This is not the end of the world tho. As Sony has learned from the last few years, don't put too much faith in flemsy 3rd Party Devs who only like you as long as you can pay them more than your competitor. It will be better for Sony in the long run if majority of their successes are 1st Party, as they reap all the profits. Uncharted was good, Gravity Rush was great and the system needs more original IPs like it. Luckily Soul Sacrifice,Warrior's Lair and Tearaway also fall nicely on the console as original IPs.

As I have stated over many times, Sony should invest more in RPGs of any given region. They have always been Playstation's ace in the hole and their 1st party neglect the genre terribly. Warrior's Lair is a start, yet that top down view is almost a deal breaker to b honest. Gamers in general.....despise that view point and games that use it suffer for it. What the Vita needs personally is that magical collectathon RPG hybrid ala like Pokemon. Ni No Kuni is getting raving reviews right now, Sony should be more forthwith with acquring the IP to some copacity for Vita.

And any games for Vita starting now should not be simple ports, the time for that is 1st year, now its time for new things that are fresh and exciting.

Gamers despise top down viewpoint? What is this non sense you speak of. You even mentioned pokemon right after that sentance! Seriously, Diablo, Warcraft, any RTS or dungeon crawler. League of Legends is the most played game right now isn't it or something?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(