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Tom3k said:
Michael-5 said:

It's not Anthropology, it's Biology. Homosexuality isn't genetic, it's a random mutation. Random mutations, like schizophrenea or homosexuality are not normal mutations, do not contribute to the fitness of a species, and overall are not what the species was designed for.

Homosexuality does prevent reproduction. If you're fertile, but do not have the means to procreate, then you can't procreate can you? This is no different from a man who has no penis (say because of an accident). Just because you got sperm in the sack doesn't mean you can procreate. Even if the guy forced himself to procreate, there is still a mental barrier which reduces reproductive success.

How is homosexuality not a disorder? Is schizophrenea not a disorder? They are both random mutations which result in abnormal behaviours in the brain.

Out of all the animals in the world, only one species has an issue with bi polar, rape, schizophrenea, etc. Just because it happens naturally, doesn't mean it's normal. Rape is natural, schizophrenea is natural, and has a biological source like homosexuality. Are you going to argue those things are normal? We should accept rape and crazy's, and not treat them?

I don't see a point in arguing with you, because you simply don't understand the concepts that you use in first place...

In your 1st line you state "Homosexuality isn't genetic, it's a random mutation". Could you please make up your mind? The definition of "mutation" is infreaquent, unrepaired mistakes that occur in the DNA replication process and lead to changes in nucleotide sequences of DNA thus changing the instructions for some cellular components (That's from Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 4th edition btw). Just so you know genes are nucleotide sequences within DNA. And Genetics is the study of those genes. So saying that something isn't genetic, but it occurs because of changes in it's gene(s), while previously stating that there ins't such thing as gay gene... Gosh... You are a confused one...

LOL I don't make sense. You're claiming that homosexuals do not have a reduction in fitness because they still have viable sperm to procreate with. However without the mechanism, or a motivation to use it, this results in the same reduction of fitness. Simple as that.

Randon mutations are not genetic traits. Homosexuality isn't inhertitable, like genes are. There is a huge difference. First of all errors in DNA replication are repairable, there have been significant advances in serching for cures for autism because of gene manipulative therapy. Second not all Random mutations occur in the DNA replication period. Mutations can occur during pregnancy, and many can be caused by environment. We don't know for certain where the mutations occur which cause homosexuality.

This is basic biology. Now if you're going to insult me, and claim I don't understand what I'm talking about, look up some introductory biology terms, such as fitness, and heridability.

You claim homosexuality does not have a cost to fitness, and that random muations leading to homosexuality return new genes (you claim there is a gay gene). This would mean that if homosexuality were a gene, it would be inheritable, but this isn't true, it mutates the genes you already have.

Everything you're saying is just plain wrong. It's getting funny.

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