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Cub said:
Michael-5 said:

First of all the DSG doesn't classify what isn't a disorder, only what is. DSG IV I think removed homosexuality as a disorder, but not because of evidence showing that it isn't a disorder, but because of political pressure.

That said, Gay marriage is fine. We have no cure for homosexuality.

First of all, it's DSM not DSG. Second of all, fine, but it does classify what is a disorder. Finally, no cure needed because it clearly states that homosexuality isn't a pathology, only pathologies need cure.

Political pressure or not, I don't care. They've done what is right.

Yea, I just realized I've been typing DSG, even though I wrote out what DSM statds for lol.

Actually Homosexuality does still classify a disorder. Just not a psycopathic disorder because it lack 1/4 D's (Dangerous). It does fit the other 3 (Deviance, Distress, and Disfunction).

Also there are cures for homosexuality, they are just crap. However there was no cure for schitzophenia 300 years ago, does that mean it's not a disorder?

Homosexuality occurs randomly in the population, there is no gay gene, and this is not a cognative decision made by individuals. You don't become gay because your dad hit you as a kid and you don't trust men anymore. Instead it's believed to be an error which occurs in the copying of genes, similar to schitzophenia.

Mutations are a normal part of evolution. Without them, people don't evolve. Homosexuality is a common mutation, which is determental to the fitness of a species. You could argue all day, do we classify it as a disorder like many brain disorders, or as adefect like Down Syndrome, or do we just leave it as a common mutation, like being albino?

Either way it's not normal, and it reduces fitness (homosexuals cannot reproduce). Homosexuals cannot choose to be heterosexuals, and even with treatment it's difficult to force an individual to do so.

That said, I see nothing wrong with people being gay. It's a non dangerous disorder, it's not their fault. We accept people with down syndrome, why not gays? It's a defect/disorder/mutation which doesn't affect the cognative abilities of an individual, except higher instances of depression (but who wouldn't be when everyone hates you), so there is no reason why we should stop gays from marriage.

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