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Cub said:
Michael-5 said:

For someone whose volunteered in sex clinics and mental health centers (CAMH in Canada), I'm againt homosexuality because it is a psychological disorder classified as "Sexual Orientation Disturbance" in the DSG III "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

It was reclassified as "Sexual disorder not otherwise specified" in 1987 due to popitical reasons (Gay people were being killed in the USA for being Gay, while the act of homosexuallity is not dangerous outside of the spreading of STD's). I'm not sure if it was ever removed entirely.


However Gay Marriage, I'm fine with. We have no cure for homosexuality, we don't even know the cause of it, and most treatments supress all sexual urges, not just homosexual ones (however that is begining to change). Since we have no cure for a non harmful psychological illness, then why should gay people be refused marriage? We might not find a cure for 50 more years, and that's longer then most marriages.

Also because it's a non-threating or violoent, and livable sexual disorder, if a cure were to ever become invented, it's the homosexuals choice to use it or not. So, if a cure comes up in 10 years, there is no reason why gay marriages should not be honored.


So Homosexuality, I'm against, it's a disorder, simple as that.

Homosexual behavior, I am indifferent to, however I do want to push safe sex between these people because not all homosexuals are purely homosexual, and STD's can spread to the heterosexual community.

Gay Marriage, I'm all for, keeps the STD's isolated LOL. No, they can do what they like.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in its fourth version states clearly that homosexuality isn't a pathology, and the recent fifth version emphasized that. The ICD (the international version of the of the DSM) also doesn't classify homosexuality as a pathology. But whatever suits your case I guess.

First of all the DSG doesn't classify what isn't a disorder, only what is. DSG IV I think removed homosexuality as a disorder, but not because of evidence showing that it isn't a disorder, but because of political pressure.

That said, Gay marriage is fine. We have no cure for homosexuality.

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