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Booyah said:
I think with his admission that just goes to show you how much of a joke the drug testing is in all sports now.

Unfortunately all the sports are too busy raking in the monies to really care about regulating it properly.

Its also sad how many people he bullied and trashed publicly just to maintain his innocence, just adds insult to injury.

Depends what you mean. That it's easy to avoid being caught, or that there's some pretty heavy corruption going on?

He did test positive in 1999 but he managed to get the test result buried. Then a French newspaper came out a few years later and exposed the 1999 test and it was more or less pilloried for it. I must admit to initially thinking it was French sour grapes, but part of me always thought there's no smoke without fire. So the French newspaper article made me suspect. So if you mean the tests are easy to beat, I disagree that it's a waste, people are still caught. But if you mean there's corruption then yes it seems it could be a bit of a joke.

He's the epitome of do whatever it takes to win and stay on top. A motive that some people credit as virtue, which I find unfathomable. It's a perversion of striving for excellence and determination, both of which are commendable attitudes. But when mixed with win at all costs it's toxic.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix