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mai said:

I don't have any fears, you just assuming that all people who are against homosexual marriage have "irrational fear", i.e. homophobic, which is not true. See the videos from that protest in Paris I posted above, people are openly admit they have nothing against gays, so the rally is more of pro-family rather anti-gay.

Instead of trying to patronate me, what's exactly your agruments against my post above? If anything I'm trying to rationally explain why certain people might have that irrational fear you're talking about. I just don't have any reasons to fear anything, it's nothing like my goverment is about to allow gay marriage, lol.

Because it is untrue.  You can not be against same sex marriage and not anti gay. That Anti-Family picture you posted doesn't mean anything - except that it is going to really embarrass and shame their families.  Gay people have families and are part of families.  Against gay marriage = anti family.  It's like the same people against divorced people re-marrying, or no virgin women getting married, or banning interracial marriage - they are all archaic ideas that are dying and bad for society.

We had people here in the USA in the 1950's trying to say the same things about races.  That they were against anyone, but wanted a different race 'over there and in their own school/community.'  They were afraid of black people. They used the exact same arguments and justifications that you are, and they were wrong, as you are wrong.  And later some of the biggest leaders admitted they were wrong and apologized.

You don't see or understand that - and I get that you don't like same sex marriage.  But that doesn't make you right.  Maybe you think gay people are ichy?  That could be your opinion. But you can not minimize and take away people's rights and say you aren't against them. 

I am trying to understand what your point is, but when I see how much better the world is when marriages are strengthened – whether same sex or opposite sex.  How couples can work together to make a better community, support each other, raise their kids (or cats if they have those), and visit each other in the hospital, it just seems so strange to me when someone wants to ban a significant portion of society from the same rights everyone else enjoys and uses.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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