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mai said:

^lol, what exactly you didn't understand in phrase "in this specific regard", i.e. family? People you mentioned regardless of their talent and contribution to world culture are exactly that in this specific regard, afaik they weren't successful fathers or rather fathers at all and out of them only one (?) was married. Father is a social role, family is social institution, deal with that.

There is nothing to deal with.  You haven't made any points - just a very bizarre warped delusion of what you think the world/family/life only revolves around a certain roll some people have for a time in the world.  Other than your irrational fear and paranoid, you aren't effected in the least by to women or to men getting married (well, unless you are in the closet and jealous of them) nor made any significant, meaningful or relevant point as to why that should not be allowed.

Gay men can be fathers, just like strait men aren't necissarly fathers.  It's like being upset that some people are left handed.  In other word, just bizzare that you would react hatefully to how they are.

You are illustrating bad stereotype of viciousness related to an irrational fear, and maybe just a touch of madness.  It’s unfortunate, but the image of the people of Russia has been severely damaged in world lately, and you are just confirming the manic bigotry.

I find it sad, cause I have some good friends from Russia and they have to world hard to undo all the damage people like you do.  I hope someday you can evolve a bit more - there is plenty of room for you to grow.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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