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Yakuzaice 2 hours ago

Just looking at the top games is misleading. The market was different back then, sales weren't so concentrated near the top or in November. The PS2 shipped 78.6 million games in the Oct-Dec '06 quarter. That's more than the PS3 has ever done, and the Wii's best holiday quarter was only 8.5% higher. Now with that said, the PS3/360/Wii software ecosystem is more robust than the PS2/Xbox/GC was at that point in time. It just isn't quite as substantial as those numbers make it look.



Do you have numbers that show differently? I would say the top-10 games are a great indicator of the current video game climate.  And it's not just sales of games, but quality. Games like Halo, Blops2, AC3...these kinds of AAA titles were not being launched on PS2 or XBox anymore.  If you wanted something fresh or exciting like Gears of War or WiiSports in 2006 you bought the affordable Wii, the more expensive XBox 360 or the very expensive PS3. If you bought a PS2 you had to be happy with old games or the very exciting Madden and PSP port Liberty City Stories.  Whoo hoo!  Today if you want the latest big games you can buy a WiiU...or the cheaper alternatives which are still getting exciting stuff.