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ninjablade said:
Soundwave said:
KylieDog said:
If anything Nintendo needs embrace the casuals, heavily. They not going to win against XB3/PS4, especially not when underpowered to them.

Who says they have to "win" against XB3/PS4? 

The Wii "won" and what did we get? Crap from third parties, Nintendo getting lazy on things like presentation and half-assing an online network, refusing for years to allow us to expand the Wii's internal storage, Moderately OK sales for any core Nintendo IP not named Mario, and NOA preferring to sell nothing at all than translate games like The Last Story (probably because their focus groups told them there's little to no market for that since it's not soccer mom friendly). 

If that's "winning" give me the N64 or GameCube any day. Nintendo will turn a tidy profit in the end. 

Let Sony go bankrupt chasing Microsoft with 1/100th of the bank account and a huge debt around their necks if they want. 

the wii u is  sellin much worst the gamecube at he moment, i don't think they can survive with out the casuals, most of the nintendo fans have moved on to ps3/360.

Nintendo still made large gains in Europe and Japan last gen, if they can outperform the GameCube in those two territories (and the GameCube bombed in both of those places) they can still finish with a decent userbase even if the Wii U sells exactly like the GameCube in North America. 

And if that pushes Nintendo to have to try harder, to sweat a little bit, to try some new things they wouldn't otherwise -- GOOD. That's never a bad thing. 

Sure as hell beats them parading into E3 2008 drunk on their own success and saying Wii Music and Animal Crossing was good enough and basically telling core players to sit down and shut up. 

The fact is too, unless the PS4/720 ramp up to ridiculous levels quickly (doubtful if they're starting at $400 or more), the 3DS should be the best selling game platform for the next two years. It's the only system that really sells solid in all three major markets. So that should give Nintendo some breathing room even if it isn't as successful as the DS. 90-95 million 3DS' in profit isn't charity money.