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Normando said:
Chris Hu said:
SnakeDrake said:
GT5 is one of those games that will still keep on selling even when the PS4 is out.

Especially since GT6 will not be a launch or early launch title for the PS4.  I'm pretty sure that Forza 5 will be released before GT6.

You know this because?

Forza games have usually a two year develpoment cycle Forza 2005, Forza 2 2007, Forza 3 2009 and Forza 4 2011.  But I go out on a limb and say that Forza 5 wouldn't make much sense as a lauch title for the next MS console so I see Forza 5 coming out next year.  Gran Turismo 5 almost had a six year develpment cycle but I be optimistic and say they can reduce development time for GT6 to about five years so it should come out sometime in 2015.