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Jesus player... Just admit that you were wrong and move on. Yes, it's objectively wrong to say that a notebook can have more power than a gaming desktop. It's ridiculous actually. It's just as wrong to say that a notebook can get as good of a cooling as a desktop, or to say that gaming laptops are cheaper than gaming desktops. You could probably find gaming laptops cheaper than gaming desktops, but I assure you that the difference in performance will be much greater than the difference in price.

Your position was objectively wrong. You could've said that you prefer laptops. But no. You were in fact trying to mock people that do obviously know a lot more about the subject than you do. What you did wasn't cool man. You trying to justify it now is almost worse.

On a side note, I do very much like the way Barozi handled the situation. A mild taste of your own medicine instead of a sudden strike of the ban hammer. Good moderating.