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From my experience, the main reason for people's belief in a Creator stems from the belief that a Creator is necessary since the universe must come from something. I personally don't agree with the reasoning, but I can at least understand where the belief comes from. What I don't understand is why some people believe in the characteristics below. Many of them just seem like unjustified assumptions to me.

Let's assume a Creator does exist; can someone please explain the reasoning behind the following beliefs?

1. The Creator is all-powerful - I sort of understand this. If something created everything, then it seems likely that it must have unlimited power. I think this is flawed thinking. If universe was created by a creator, that doesn't mean the Creator has the ability to create anything. Everything that exists could merely be the extent of the Creator's power. The Creator "only" created the universe. Maybe He lacks the ability to create anything else. We wouldn't be able to find out.

2. The Creator is all-knowing - I don't understand this at all. Just because a being started something doesn't mean they would forever know everything about their creation. It's possible that the Creator let his creation flourish without constant, absolute surveillance.

3. The Creator is all-loving - Again, I don't understand this belief at all. Why must a Creator love his Creation?

4. The Creator is everywhere - Just because He created everything, does that mean he has to be everywhere?

5. There's only one Creator - What's the logic behind believing in one Creator rather than multiple Creators?

6. The Creator has a plan for humanity -

7. Many more that I can't think of...

If you don't believe in some of these then just disregard them.

I'm not very interested in Biblical or religious sources of support, but you're free to use them I guess. I'm more interested in reasoning independent of religion, similar to the argument that a Creator is necessary for the existence for the universe. I may not agree with the reasoning but at least the logic of the reasoning can be argued, unlike religious principle being held as irrefutable truth.

The reason I ask this is because the existence of a Creator seems to be the most popular Creationist debate, but I don’t think it should be. The mere existence of a Creator has little implications on reality or how we should behave. What really matters is the characteristics of that Creator. Characteristics like the Creator having a plan, the Creator being all-loving, having a moral code, etc. are what have implications on reality and how we should behave.

Not only are these characteristics more important, but they also seem much less believable between the mere existence of a Creator imo; I don't see how anyone could label them as anything other than assumptions. Unfortunately people never get to debate these characteristics because they can never agree on a Creator's existence to begin with.

Well that's what this thread is for. Assuming a Creator does exist, what is the reasoning for the above characteristics? Faith? Assumptions? Logic? None at all?